The Magazine Printing Quote Brief
Before you can get your magazine printed, you will need to create a printing quote to submit to an offset press. Printing quotes must be submitted in the proper format in order for a customer service representative at an offset press to provide you with an accurate quote for your printing job. Offset printing works on a very simple principle: ink and water don't mix. Images (words and art) are put on plates, which are dampened first by water, then ink. The ink adheres to the image area, the water to the non-image area. Then the image is transferred to a rubber blanket and from the rubber blanket to paper. That's why the process is called "offset;” the image doesn't transfer directly to the paper from the plates, as it does in some other forms of printing.
The Magazine Printing Quote Brief shows you how to create your printing quote step-by-step. It not only breaks down the different components of a printing quote and provides clear examples but also explains how you can save money based upon the type of paper stock, page count, cover coatings, etc. that you intend to use for your magazine. After reading The Magazine Printing Quote Brief, you will be able to confidently interact with any offset press customer service representative to get the quality print job you deserve at the price you want.
Shawn "The Magazine Guy"
Let’s Work Together
Get in touch if you have a question or need some assistance with your magazine concept.
Email: magazinestatup@aol.com
Tel: (757) 901-9470